Rape of British tourist in Sharm el-Sheikh, and saw the reaction of the British Foreign Office on it

British tourist was raped in one of the resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh,It has been one of the British women raped in her room, and that the newspaper "Daily Mail" the British, he said that the tourist was raped by the guard, who take her to her room at the tourist resort, and was introduced by the strongly and assaulting her.

The newspaper reported that Ms. received quick help from the British Foreign Office, and they sent to Britain to receive treatment there.
Has designed the British Foreign Office to open an investigation into this incident, and especially as it is not the first time for these acts, the State Department warned the British by the increasing cases of sexual harassment to the British in Egypt, has been spotted many cases of harassment and rape in Egypt, has warned the British Foreign Government Egyptian growing phenomenon that can lead to lack of Britons tourists in Egypt. 

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