Washington announced the suspension of its commitments to the Treaty on the medium-range nuclear missiles concluded with Moscow during the Cold War, and the start of withdrawal from the pretext of violation by Russia, which threatened in turn a new arms race in Europe, pointing out during an official statement, that the Russian medium-range missile system violated the treaty, Especially as the treaty imposes restrictions on them and excludes China, the rising Asian power

Which was confirmed by US President Donald Trump in a statement that the United States will suspend all its obligations to the Treaty on the reduction of medium-range nuclear missiles and the start of the process of withdrawal from the Treaty, which will be completed in six months, unless Russia's commitment to the Treaty and the destruction of all missiles and platforms and equipment that violate them, "The United States has fully complied with the treaty for more than 30 years, but we will not remain bound by its terms while Russia does not
In a first Russian response to the US decision, President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting between Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shojo in Moscow on Tuesday to discuss Russia's response to Washington's attempt to undermine the missile treaty. The range in response to the withdrawal of Washington from them, stressing that Russia will begin to develop a medium-range ground-based ultrasonic missile, saying deployment of M-41 launch platforms in Europe is a flagrant violation of the missile treaty

Putin has given the Defense Ministry a report on ways to counter the threat posed by the deployment of weapons in space, with the need to change the format of military meetings, and to personally supervise the introduction of new weapons, which in practice means a return to the Cold War, And entering Moscow and Washington in an arms race in preparation for the battle is not known timing timing depends on the first pressure on the button between the most powerful armies in the world