U.S. magazine: brothers journey begins to run for the presidency of the United States
mms hijoMay 29, 2013America, Gold.the United States.The price.metal, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Sisters, New York, obama
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Magazine said «American Thenker» America said that the candidate «Anthony Weiner» User former Democratic congressman and a pair «Houma Abdeen», the daughter of one of the members of «Muslim Sisters», help «Hillary Clinton» U.S. Secretary of State prior to the mayor «New York» raises fears thatbe winning in this position a prelude to his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.
he magazine pointed out in a report to the gravity of the win «Weiner» position of Mayor «New York» lies in promoting the penetration Brotherhood of the U.S. administration, and puts in the hands of plans and security information for New York City, but pointed out that «Abdeen», which represents the largest fortune political for her husband has become in the circlelight again, and returned to talk about links Brotherhood within the U.S. political circles.
The magazine added that the relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama administration took formalized since 2011, The «Homa Abdeen» she served as assistant editor of the magazine «Muslim Minority Affairs since 1996 until 2008, and her mother, a member of the 'Muslim Sisters'.
Panic gripped Saudi Arabia for fear of Corona virus
Panic began to spread among residents of the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia, especially in Al-Ahsa province, which recorded a large section of the deadly corona virus infections like SARS.
The Minister of Health Abdullah Al-Rabiah announced Sunday that the 24 injured were recorded in the Kingdom during the last few weeks, between 15 cases led to death.
The Ministry of Health announced Arabia in the registration statement four new cases of infected citizens Coruna in the eastern region, Corona viruses are a wide range of bacteria capable of causing a number of diseases in humans from ordinary flu to SARS.